Find a Local Saber Group

Friendly Instruction

All of the New Zealand Lightsaber Guild’s meetings are run by volunteers. If you’re new to the pastime, experienced members of the groups will help you learn the fine art of handling your lightsaber. Some groups are dueling & competition focused, some groups are more bias towards choreography & media (though all groups have an element of everything). Just drop your local group a message and head along and say high. As the New Zealand Lightsaber Guild is more adult focused, most groups will have a minimum age limit for participation.

Saber Advice

First off, you don’t need your own saber to head along and have a go! Most meets will have a small stockpile of spares that they are more than happy to lend out to new attendees whilst they familiarise themselves with the different saber technology and what style of saber suits them.

Long term members have a great insight into what makes for a great saber & will help steer you in the right direction.

Good Company

You’re going to meet some great people at your local saber meet. You’ll make some great friends and as a bonus, swinging a saber can be quite a good workout!!

Our saber meets have spilled out into other activities, such as the odd Sabacc game, the odd Star Wars Roleplaying Game session and we even have some hardcore droid builders within the community. We’ve run fan film competitions as well putting on great social events at our regular tournaments.

Find a Local Saber Group

NZLG volunteers run meets all over the country.

Connect With Your Local Group

    Lightsaber DuelingChoreographyCompetitionsCollectors TalkBuying Advice

    New Zealand Lightsaber Guild is THE place for NZ lightsaber enthusiasts.


    Head on over to our Facebook Page for more details or simply contact your local group.