Knights of the Tower (Auckland)

Regular Auckland meetings started up in early 2017 when members of the Imperial School of Swordsmanship ran the first open event at the Auckland War Memorial Museum. The group eventually evolved into a regular NZLG group, The Knights of the Tower, where anyone (of 14+) is free to attend. We’re always open to new people who want to join us.

If the weather is good, the 1st week of the month the group meets at Silo Park. The rest of the month, the group meets at Auckland War Memorial Museum. Should the weather turn, we have a top secret location known only as Echo Base… Indoor details will be published on the day of events when we’re in for poor weather.

Events are free to attend and limited loaner equipment is available so make sure to book it in advance.

Restrictions: 14+ years


Auckland War Memorial Museum
Auckland Domain


Auckland Lightsaber Combat

Dan has been here from the beginning, organising weekly meets for the Knights of the Tower and organising training / games / duels for the group. Dan is also Auckland’s resident tech head, if something’s broken, he’s likely the person who can fix it.

Jareth has a love of combat and studying different forms, he brings a wealth of experience to the group, and was the winner of the Exotics category at the 2021 lightsaber tournament.

Alex has quite a lot of different sword experience, specialising in two handed combat, he’s our main H&S person at events, and as such, is our speaker to make sure everyone understands the rules at the start of any given event.

Delphi brings an enthusiasm to meets, and helps us organise and come up with new ideas. Delphi designed the KotT logo, and is also our injuries specialist, she likes to test out injuries on herself to make sure others are able to stay safe!

Get Involved

Head on over to the NZLG on Facebook or send us a message.
