Rotorua Lightsaber Tournament

NZLG Winter Tournament 2022

Saturday 18th June 2022 saw the second NZLG National Lightsaber Tournament held in Rotorua. It was a great turnout! There was a really cool write-up in the local newspaper, the Rotorua Daily Post.


Classic Class (Single Saber) 

  • 1st Place | Bren (Capital City High Order | Wellington)
  • 2nd Place | Mark (Yub Nub Saber Club | Rotorua)
  • 3rd Place | Sean  (Order of the Eclipse | Hamilton)
  • 4th Place | Finn (Whakatane Haidong Gumdo)

Exotic Class (Staff, Dual Wield, Pike, Crossguard)

  • 1st Place | Jareth (Knights of the Tower | Auckland)
  • 2nd Place | Bren (Capital City High Order | Wellington)
  • 3rd Place | Jack (Capital City High Order | Wellington)
  • 4th Place | Roretana (Yub Nub Saber Club | Rotorua)

